
Micheline Ntiru

Ms Ntiru is the Head of Corporate Social Investment (CSI) for Nokia Middle East and Africa. Her current portfolio at Nokia involves continuing to ensure that Nokia addresses youth skills development in more than 15 countries of Middle East and Africa as well as managing initiatives that optimise the use of mobile technology for socio-economic development. Innovative examples of such initiatives include the enabling of rural access to mobile technology, exploring mobile learning initiatives as well as the use of mobile technology to improve health data collection systems. Prior to working with Nokia, Ms. Ntiru managed as well as served as programme advisor to several health programmes with international organizations such as Care International, Helen Keller International and the United Nations in Cote d’Ivoire, Madagascar, South Africa, the United States, Zambia and various other countries. Ms Ntiru is also a member of Pangynaskean, a South African Trust Fund that strives to provide life skills training for girls in South Africa, mentor them as well as facilitate access into universities (such as her alma mater, Mount Holyoke college) in the United States. Ms. Ntiru speaks French, Portuguese, Spanish and Swahil and has knowledge of Kinyarwanda and Luganda